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Sprouting Seeds

of Radical Education

Stories of Transformative Change
from Around the World

Castle, Fletcher and Gladkikh’s second edited volume of essays brings in new voices from 10 nations and highlights how the seeds of transformative adult education have spread and taken root in diverse contexts around the world.

All the stories are linked in some way to the seeds of radical education that were planted in the hallways and classrooms of the Coady International Institute in Antigonish, Nova Scotia over the past 30 years.


As in farming, not all seeds germinate and grow. Some fall on fertile ground; others face more hostile and challenging environments. It is exciting, however, when seeds do sprout, take root, and begin to flourish in a new environment to make a real difference in people’s lived lives.


In this book, adult educators and social change facilitators share stories that describe how they worked with others and were inspired to do something different, outside the norm in their communities and societies. Whether it is a story about youth leadership, human rights defenders, using the arts to heal, women’s empowerment, or community peace building, this volume demonstrates how social justice and social change can happen when people are willing to experiment, learn, and act together.


The essays also explore the challenges of being a “good” radical educator in today’s shifting and complex landscapes, the importance of building authentic relationships of trust, and understanding what transformative change looks like at the community level.


This book will be valuable to activists and educators committed to learning for social change.

Books available at  

Antigonish 5 Cent to 1 Dollar Store, Main Street, Antigonish

The Curious Cat Tea and Books, Antigonish 

Chapters Bookstore Bayers Lake, Halifax and Micmac Mall, Dartmouth

and other local booksellers


An on-line edition, and an edition published in India now available. 

An edition published in Africa coming in spring 2022. 




It is not often that catalysts and facilitators of change narrate their own journeys of change. This book brings together such narratives from diverse contexts and experiences. It re-affirms the significance of learning for transformational change, every time, every where.

Dr Rajesh Tandon,

Founder-President, PRIA; Dean, PRIA International Academy

UNESCO Co-chair Community-based Research

Sprouting Seeds of Radical Education not only provides us with knowledge, skills and approaches to apply in the field, but through the inspiration and wisdom reflected here, motivates us as a community of practice to keep on with hope, optimism and aspiration.  The book is a concise collection of deep reflections about experience and a hands-on guide that will empower co-learners, co-travelers and co-advocates of deep transformation. It is an incredibly thoughtful and unique gift from a team of dedicated educators, hence a must read book for anyone who believes and aspires for radical social transformation!!

Saloni Singh,

President, Coady Alumni Association of Nepal (CAAN)

With stories from the Anishinaabe Nation to Zimbabwe this book captures what it really takes to use what we learn and contribute to transformative change in communities. In brings back many memories of how reflections on my own inner journey contributed to my ability to encourage change in Zambia and the world. The richness of sharing experiences with others also revealed the opportunity to work together, with each one of us telling our own stories from different continents, cross pollinating the world with the richness of the journeys we continue to travel to make a just world.   

Dr Emily Sikazwe,

Vice Chair, Zambia Electoral Commission

This collection of essays demonstrates that seeds of radical education have been planted in diverse parts of the world and are now sprouting and making a difference for individuals, and more importantly, for communities. They are what John Lewis would call …’Make Good Trouble’. Indeed, these stories reflect the various and often challenging roads we must navigate to shift how we think to make transformational change. These personal narratives are all about the African proverb, "They thought they buried us, but they didn't know we were seeds".   

Wayn Hamilton,

Executive Director, African Nova Scotian Affairs, Government of Nova Scotia

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100% of profits from book sales will go to local and international social justice organizations.

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More information, essay excerpts and video interviews with authors

Graphics and Supplementary Information from Sprouting Seeds

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Innovating with Virtual Networking



Transforming Inclusive



Negotiating Complexity




Facilitating - Our Collective Story



Art for Social Change

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